
A young couple sit and look at a laptop

Services for testing for sexually transmitted infections are free and confidential.  Tests are available in a variety of settings and many services offer tests outside normal working hours and at weekends.  Some services are walk-in', others may require an appointment.

Why should I be tested?

Testing regularly for sexually transmitted infections means that you can treat any infections you do have and avoid passing them on to other people. Some STIs will make you more ill the longer you have them, so testing often means you are protecting your health.

When should I be tested?

If you are sexually active, you should have a full sexual health screening every year to test for sexually transmitted infections and HIV, or every 3 months if you are having sex with multiple people. You should also be tested when you have a new sexual partner, if you think you have been exposed to an STI, or if you think you have any STI symptoms. 

Where can I get tested?

You can get a test for STIs at a range of sexual health clinics (sometimes called GUMs) across Greater Manchester.

Residents of Greater Manchester from minoritised ethnic communities can get tested for both HIV and STIs for free with BHA for Equality. Book an appointment or order a home test from their sexual health page.

You can also test at your GP or community services like LGBT Foundation’s full screening clinic for anyone LGBTQ+.


What are STI tests like?

Some STI tests will involve taking urine samples or swabs from the vagina, penis, anus or throat. You can usually do these swabs yourself in private, so you don’t need to worry about undressing in front of somebody else if you’re uncomfortable with this. The doctor or nurse will explain what tests you need, and why.

Emergency Support

Free & confidential sexual health services for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities 

Free & confidential support, advice and advocacy services for people living with HIV

Providing advice, support and resources for LGBT people to take control of their sexual health and wellbeing