Making sexual health services more accessible to Minority groups

A black man wearing red eye makeup looks on

Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities are disproportionally affected by HIV and other Sexual

Reducing sexual health inequalities is core to ending new transmissions of HIV by 2030, but the complexity of these inequalities demands an understanding of the racial and ethnic disparities, innovative strategies, and an integrated approach.
Factors such as culture, religion, immigration, and language barriers, exacerbated by socio-economic factors can affect if and how people access sexual health services. 
Collaborative, systematic, and sustained strategies are needed to tackle these factors and promote sexual health equity.

BHA has been advocating for more inclusive and specialised services for communities across Greater Manchester for over 30 years and it is our priority to deliver services that are tailored for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities, which are culturally sensitive. 

By engaging and involving communities, developing resources, and providing sexual health information and HIV/ STIs testing in community settings, we can ensure that local people shape and inform our prevention messages and campaigns.  This is crucial to ensure that information and services are accessible to all and ensures no one misses out on key messages about the range of prevention tools that are available to prevent HIV and how to test and treat for STIs.  

An important part of our work is to create safe spaces where people can have positive conversations about sexual health without fear or stigma.  

We are working to reach the UK’s ambition to end all new cases of HIV by 2030, but we will only do this by ensuring that everyone can access services that are relevant to their needs.

Get in touch to find out more or to help our aim:

Emergency Support

Free & confidential sexual health services for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities 

Free & confidential support, advice and advocacy services for people living with HIV

Providing advice, support and resources for LGBT people to take control of their sexual health and wellbeing